I’m not going to lie. When I saw the clouds filling the sky on the day I planned to go skydiving I had this happy little feeling inside and I thought to myself “maybe, just maybe… they’ll cancel our jump because of the weather”. I know, I know, I’m such a brave soul. 😉 That (fortunately) was not the case.

When the moment I was anticipating that whole morning finally came: crawling toward the edge of the plane knowing that there was absolutely no backing out, no way but down it was both exhilarating and absolutely scary.

As we slid out of that plane and freefell all I could think about was whether or not that parachute would open after 60 seconds like it was supposed to because if it didn’t…. well, that would have been one bad day for me. 😉

In the end the parachute did open (if it didn’t you probably would not be reading this right now) 😉 and after I hit the ground I felt like I was on top of the world , a little ironic, I know. 😉

I finally did it. Went sky-diving AND survived. I could check it off my “Things To Do Before I Die” list 🙂

But the truth is… I didn’t really do anything.

I wasn’t the one who flew that jet up in the air, I wasn’t the one who made sure the parachute opened, and I wasn’t the one who made sure I reached the bottom safely.

In fact, the only thing I had to do that day was TRUST.

Trust that my instructor, Luke knew exactly what he was doing and that by obeying him I’d leave that place the same way that I came in – in one piece.

And why in the world would I trust a complete stranger with my life (literally)?

Because he was qualified to receive my trust.

If he wasn’t then I would have never been allowed to jump with him.

He took many jumps before, he knew what he was doing, and he was still alive and breathing when I met him so obviously he did his job well.

My experience of going sky-diving made me think of another person that I am supposed to trust my life with.

And not just for one day but for every single day of my life.

A person whose my life depends on (in both the physical and spiritual sense).

Who is this that I’m talking about? God, of course.

A few months ago I picked up a book on my cousin’s bookshelf. The title was “Can God be Trusted” by Thomas D. Williams and all I could think was “What a silly question. Yes, of course!  Why is there a 206 page book written about it and who is reading it?”

The answer is pretty clear.

But the truth is, I think most of us know we can trust God but we have a really hard time doing it.

At least I know sometimes I do.

And one of the reasons behind why was pretty surprising for me.

Some of us have a hard time trusting God because we don’t know Him well.

When I read that I was a little offended.

I thought I knew God pretty well.

I read His Word.

I spend time with Him and when those uncertain times come into my life I cling to Him, His promises, and His plan for my future.

But in the midst of all that sometimes… I still have my moments of doubt.

Times where I know I can trust God, but I still have a hard time doing so.

And that’s when I realized that I know God… but not enough.

Because it’s only when you truly know God that you have full confidence in who He is and what He will do in Your life.

Only when you understand His great love for you, His unending grace, His faithfulness to you, and His plans for you that you will be able to trust Him no matter what comes your way.

No matter how uncertain the road is in front of you.

No matter how frightening the jump looks from above.

No matter how big the mountain in your way looks.

No matter how many times you’ve tried before and failed.

There is one man in the Bible that is known for His great faith in God during uncertain times in his life: Abraham.

Why was he given the honor of being proclaimed such a great man of faith? Because according to the scripture (James 2:23) He was called a friend of God.

God was not just an authority figure that he respected and knew about.

He was not just an acquaintance that he stopped by to talk to once in a while.

He was God’s friend.

I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a pretty big deal.

For God to call you His friend.

Not just His child.

Not just His servant on earth.

But a friend.

What set Abraham apart that he was called God’s friend? Abraham trusted God for every single step in his life.

From going on a journey into an unknown land with his family to bringing his son as a sacrifice on the altar before God.

He understood that God knew what He was doing so he obeyed Him even when I’m sure it was difficult for him to do so.

Just like I had to trust that my parachute would open at the right time, Abraham trusted that God would provide a way out and a sacrifice for his one and only promised son in the nick of time.

But it was not until he placed his son on the altar that God provides a ram to take Isaac’s place.

And often times it’s not until we take a step of faith that God will provide a way for us on the road He has prepared for us.

I know what it feels like to sit on the edge of a plane and wait to take that fall while trusting that my instructor knows what he is doing.

Often times I find myself in that same place spiritually.

Standing at a crossroad in front of a dark unknown road ahead of me and hearing God telling me to take that one step forward.

To trust Him for where that road will take me.

To let Him lead me one step at a time knowing that even if I have no clue what I’m doing or where I’m going, He does. And He will make sure that I reach the end safely.

And the only way that I can confidently follow God is by being just like Abraham, not knowing more about God but knowing God more.

On an intimate level.

As my everything.

The Good Shepherd that is always there to guide me into the unknown.

The Rock that I will lean on to remain strong and steady.

The Prince of Peace who fills my heart with peace during the storms in life.

The Potter who is always working on me to make me more like Him.

The Light to direct me and help me carry His light into the dark world.

The Wonderful Counselor to give me wisdom during the journey.

The Abba Father who loves me as His own child and will always provide for me.

The best friend who will never leave my side.

And how is that you can know God more? It’s quite simple. You spend time with Him.

In Jeremiah 29:13 it says when you search for God with all your heart you will find Him.

In Luke 4:8 it says if we draw near to God He will draw near to us.

And that is what I want more than anything in the world.

To draw near to God.

To know Him more.

To trust Him.

To truly be His friend.

If you are having trouble trusting God there is one place you should find yourself every day: in your prayer closet.

And once you’re finished there you will have no trouble taking that step forward into the unknown.

You won’t think twice about taking that jump off the plane because you’ll know, the instructor knows what He’s doing… and He’s always got your back. 🙂

So today… draw near to God.

Get to know the One who loved you before your breathed your first breath.

The One that paid a high price to have a relationship with you.

The One who guides your every step.

And once you do… trusting Him won’t be such a hard thing!

Be blessed! Anna… ♥

Blessed is the man who makes the LORD his trust, who does not look to the proud, to those who turn aside to false gods.” Psalm 40:4


24 Comments on Can God be trusted?

  1. Reblogged this on Lovener W. and commented:
    If you’re like me there have probably been many time that you’ve questioned God and your trust has wavered. I know that for me, my faith experience has been a constant battle to believe. I live now in a space where I have the utmost confidence that God is intentionally desirous of my success and happiness and after all I have been through… I can truly say I trust him… I want you to trust him too… it’s a beautiful place.

  2. For many of us, we have to go through situations where we have no other church but to trust God to realize that he is truly deserving of our confidence. Life, things and people let us down so much and so often that it taints our perception but to know that there is one that is interested in being so connected with you that you don’t have to worry about any promise that he’s made you, because you will know for sure he cares.

    • I agree with you Lovener. People can’t always be dependable (because of our human nature which has so many faults at times) but we can always rely on God’s promises and faithfulness in our lives. It’s so encouraging to know that no matter who comes in and out of my life, He will still always be there. Be blessed!

  3. Thank you, thank you!! This was so helpful! The providence of God is evident in these posts. Almost every time I read them they help me in big ways through what I’m going through. Keep following God’s direction and he will use you to bless others as he’s already doing!! 🙂 Thanks again and congrats on skydiving! 😉

    • Thanks Hannah! Following God’s direction is my #1 desire in life. It’s such a waste of time to get sidetracked with things that don’t matter to Him. And you should definitely go skydiving at least once in your life! You’ll love it! 😉

  4. Your title caught my attention because I had written on this recently in “Please Don’t Let Me Fall.” Your insights are very encouraging! And I love the format of your blog! I’ll be reading more. You have quite a following! Blessings to you and your ministry!

  5. Thank you. Another lovely post – this is a place I am in at the moment. Don’t understand where it is all going, and why it appears to not be leading anywhere … from my point of view. But God does!

    • Yes He does Frances! God has a plan and purpose for everything including the situation in your life right now. May He give you the patience and faith to keep on trusting Him through this time in your life. Be blessed!

  6. Sky diving? What person in their right mind would jump out of a perfectly good airplane??? 😉

    It’s good that you did, though. It gave you a great topic and an excellent example.


  7. Nice one. Beat me to this…I want to do a parachute jump. I want to do it by myself though and not strapped to someone.

      • Its great that you got this far…! I am sure that if you did go the next step and free-fall alone you would love it and there would be no stopping you.

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