I’ve been there more than once before.

Thinking the road has finally cleared and I’ve found my way out.

But instead I was facing another dead end.

Trying to stay afloat in the raging waters, waiting for the storm to pass and for that rainbow to shine.

But instead I find that the clouds get darker and darker and the shore is nowhere in sight.

Thinking I finally made my way out of a dark valley and I will have no more obstacles to overcome, no more burdens to bear.

But instead I make it out of one valley only to find myself entering a brand new one.

Thinking the battle is finally over. I can put my weapons down and rest.

But instead the enemy continues to taunt me and the battle begins once again.

Thinking I finally found my sought after answers.

That I see the big picture.

That I understand the greater scheme of things.

But instead life takes and unexpected turn and I have more questions than I did before.

More things I just don’t understand…

Thinking I am finally about to reach the Promised Land.

The hope of a better tomorrow that I’ve been yearning so long for.

But instead all I feel is pain and all I see ahead is endless sand.

Have you been there before?

Thinking you were on the brink of breakthrough, that the finish line was straight ahead, that the sun was just about to come out… and instead you find yourself in that dark place once again.

That place where hope seems far off.

That place where you just don’t understand what is going on and why.

If there is one thing you can count on in life it’s this: you will have to go through valleys, through storms, and through fires.

One’s you can never plan ahead for.

One’s you cannot understand.

But it is those valleys in life that will help you gain the strength to reach the mountaintop you earnestly wish to be on.

You see… just as fruit doesn’t grow on top of a mountain, neither does faith grow on top of the mountain, when you feel on top of the world, when life is just fine.

No, it grows at the bottom of the valley.

When you are at your lowest.

When you barely have the strength to hold on.

It grows in the storm when you can’t rely on a lifeboat to save you and have only Jesus to turn to for help.

It grows in the fire where the furnace is so hot and the only way you can come out refined and clean is if you obey God and know that He’ll be standing right next to you.

It grows in the desert where all you see is the same old scenery and you need faith to take that step forward with Christ every day into the Promised Land you don’t yet see.

Maybe God allowed you to reach this dead end, this valley, this desert not because He wants to make life as hard as possible for you but because He wants you to grow in Him.

He wants your faith to expand.

He wants your character to be refined.

He wants you to stand strong with Him and come out braver, stronger, more faithful than before.

He wants you to learn that you can have hope when you don’t see the light.

That you can trust Him when there is no end in sight.

That you can love Him when things aren’t going right.

God cares about building your character more than He cares about you remaining comfortable.

And the only way He does this is by allowing you to go through the valley.

Through hard times.

Through disappointments.

Through pain.

Because it is in the valley that you will learn to trust the Shepherd that will lead you through instead of yourself.

It is in the valley, when you are walking in the shadow of death, when you feel like there is no way out, when it gets dark and lonely and you don’t know where to step next that you learn you have nothing to fear because the Good Shepherd is right beside you.

It is the valley that you become closer to Jesus than you’ve ever been.

If you are going through a valley today don’t be discouraged. God is using this time in your life to mold you to be more like Him.

Valleys in life are the primary classroom God uses to teach us things about Him we won’t learn any other way.

Because He knows that you learn more through your failures rather than your successes.

From your pain rather than your pleasure.

From your time facing difficulties rather than from your times of ease.

And when you finally find yourself on the other end with Him you will realize that the pain, the prayers, the sleepless nights, the tears, the hardship, the darkness was all worth it because of the person you grew to be because of it.

It’s hard now. But you will become stronger because of it later.

Don’t let the temporary valley stop you from having faith to reach that mountaintop.

Don’t let your momentary time in the desert make you give up on ever reaching the Promised Land.

Don’t let your present circumstance stop you from reaching the end.

Never give up hope in the darkness, for it is by going through the darkness that you can finally reach the light.

Be blessed and walk strong with Christ! Anna… 

 Even though I walk through the darkest valley I will fear no evil for you are with me – Psalm 23:4

0 comments on When There is No End in Sight

    • Isn’t that so encouraging to know? No matter how dark those valleys are we can make it through with our Good Shepherd, Jesus. 🙂 God bless you Wendy!

  1. Great reminder! Very timely too. Valley time (or desert time) is definitely where our faith is tested yet strengthened. God is good no matter what elevation I find myself in 🙂 Thank you!

    • Amen Ann! I’ve been learning the same exact thing lately (wrote a post about it too). God is good even when life seems “bad” at the moment because He works everything out for the best! 🙂

      • Yes, He does 🙂 His timing is perfect too. I just took a trip from the mountaintop down into the valley today but know I will not be here forever. He can lift us up in just a moment. I used to think it was all my “moods” but don’t look at it that way anymore. Well, sometimes I forget 🙂 Blessings to you! Your post really was so very timely. Thanks again. Ann

        • I’m sorry to hear that 🙁 but it happens to all of us. It’s so comforting to know that it doesn’t last forever!

          I pray that you will learn many lessons in yours and come out stronger than before! (Which with God’s help you most definitely will!) God bless you sister!

  2. Wonderful! Once again along the lines I have been thinking. I wrote a verse on Face Book that says what you said. I will put it in my blog. Thanks again!

    • I love it when we think alike! 😉 It’s so great to read other posts by people who are sharing the same exact thing that God’s been putting on my heart. Hope you have a blessed day!

  3. Beautiful words! Always good to receive a reminder of God’s ability to use, mold, and grow us for the good of ourselves and His kingdom. Blessings, Crystal

    • Thank you Crystal! I agree with you. You can never be reminded too often of God’s faithfulness to us in using those valleys in our life to mature us and help us grow to be more like Him. 🙂

  4. I know where you are very, very much. These places are hard but perseverance will bring you to the better place – you will get there! Thank you so much for sharing and for visiting Life Beyond the Picket Fence.

  5. Thank you for this encouraging message! “Fruit doesn’t grow on top of a mountain…” Powerful!! Wow! We all need cheerleaders cheering us on to the finish line. I know many people need to hear this including me! Thanks again!! 🙂

    • Amen! I love being God’s cheerleader 😉 I think we’re all called to cheer one another on in this race that can get a bit disheartening at times! Be blessed!

  6. My God, I’m so compelled to share EVERYTHING you write! You should seriously consider writing a book… perhaps one to aid Christians in their struggles? I would pay ANY PRICE. You explain these seemingly hopeless issues and problem with more wisdom than I’ve EVER SEEN.

    • Haha. Thanks Denise. Writing a book one day would definitely be a dream come true but I think I need to get some degrees or much more life experience under my belt before that can happen 😉 I’m just happy I have this place (as well all do) to share what’s on my heart. I’m really glad it encouraged you!! I hope you have a good weekend. Blessings to you!

  7. Anna, I am going through such a dark time, my husband had a lengthy affair and I am trying to save the marriage but he is unsure. I am so distraught and have such a hard time giving in and trying to let God do his thing. Hard to see that this could come out good, regardless of the marital outcome.

    I love this piece by you. Gives me some hope.

    • I am so sorry to hear that Karen. 🙁 Life certainly has a way of throwing curveballs our way and leaving us feeling broken and discouraged, but God is nearest to us during the darkest moment of our life and I know He will give you the strength you need every day to keep on holding out with Him, fighting for your marriage, and finding hope for the days to come.

      May He give you joy in your heart and peace in your mind during this time as you trust Him to get you through. I will be praying for you and your husband and whatever outcome God has in store for you. I know it will be for your best whatever it may be.

      Stay strong and be blessed.

      • Thank you Anne, Ive just discovered your blog and FB page and loving it. Feeling a little more Hopeful today. Trying to focus on God.

  8. I have been struggling so much through my pains. After reading this article I feel like God has spoken to me and he will give me back my promised land. Can you please email me your email address to caraevangeline10@gmail.com
    Thank you for your article.

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