
When doors close

A few weeks ago my boss sat me down and decided to give me an early Christmas gift. He told me I had to start looking for a new job. It was totally unexpected and out of the blue. Just like that I found myself standing with a closed door in front of me and […] Read more…

The antidote to worry

Here are the benefits of worrying: 1. ____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________ Yep, there are none. And yet how often do we toss and turn all night because of worry? How often do we create the worst of scenarios in our heads of what tomorrow might bring only to realize that it’s unlikely it will really come […] Read more…

When you feel afraid

Fear. It’s what kept the Israelites walking around in circles when they were destined for the Promised Land. It’s what made Peter start drowning when he should have kept on walking on water. It’s what causes dreams to be left unfulfilled and buried with talented, gifted, and skilled women and men all around the world. […] Read more…

How to Look at Your Giants

They were all sent on the same mission. They all saw the exact same thing. They all came back with one report. All but one. And it was this one that made all the difference when it came to conquering a land that seemed unconquerable. As I was reading about Caleb yesterday this phrase stood […] Read more…

Facing Fear through Prayer

It is what gave a beautiful young queen boldness to approach her king in order to petition for the lives of her people. It is what gave a young shepherd boy the boldness to speak against a giant that was taunting his people and his God and bring him down with a few stones. It […] Read more…

When your problems seem too big

We all have them. Problems that seem larger than life. Issues that we must wake up to every day. Battles we must fight. Difficult choices to make. And what determines whether or not you will face defeat or have victory in the end? It’s one thing really. It’s not the size of your problem. It’s […] Read more…

When There is No End in Sight

I’ve been there more than once before. Thinking the road has finally cleared and I’ve found my way out. But instead I was facing another dead end. Trying to stay afloat in the raging waters, waiting for the storm to pass and for that rainbow to shine. But instead I find that the clouds get […] Read more…

God Doesn’t Want You To Be Comfortable

Praying in public took Daniel from the comfort of his home to a den full of hungry lions. Worshiping only God took Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the comforts of security, to the burning fiery furnace and anger of a king. Faithfulness to God took Mary from the comfort of an ideal life to being […] Read more…