
How Will My Story End?

I have a problem. One I have been aware of for a long time. It’s an issue I have battled with my whole life and quite honestly, I don’t know if it’s one I will ever overcome. Here it is: I like to know how everything ends. Stories. Movies. Books. If I have the option […] Read more…

When doors close

A few weeks ago my boss sat me down and decided to give me an early Christmas gift. He told me I had to start looking for a new job. It was totally unexpected and out of the blue. Just like that I found myself standing with a closed door in front of me and […] Read more…

“God is holding out on me”

Can I be honest about something today? Sometimes I just don’t get God. I don’t get Him because He is Almighty and Sovereign. He has the power to do absolutely anything in the world. He can answer the prayer you have been praying for years in a millisecond and yet He doesn’t. He deliberately chooses […] Read more…

Waiting on my love story

I know this seems old-fashion and outdated in today’s culture. And quite honestly, the idea of it scares me just a bit. But with much prayer and thought I have finally made my decision. I am going to have a prearranged marriage. Before you think I have fallen off the deep end let me explain […] Read more…

From my heart to yours

I told myself that I would never write you a letter. Certainly not publicly. But then again, I also told myself I’d be married with three kids by now and obviously that’s not working out that well for me. 😉 Of course, I would rather much talk to you over some ice-cream as we watch […] Read more…

A lesson from Lot’s wife

She had a purpose and she had a destiny. To start over fresh with her family in a new land with God. To be a mother and a wife. But she threw it all away with one single glance. One glance behind her into the past. And because of that one glance her plans were […] Read more…

When God says “Not Yet”

You had it all planned out perfectly from when you were a young teen. Where you would live, what you would do, who you would be. The moment you stepped off the podium of your college graduation you were ready to face the real world. To accomplish your dreams. To travel the world. To start […] Read more…

Stuck at a Dead End

They had their hopes set for the Promised Land. Waking up every morning to take one step after another to reach that place they had only dreamt about. The place of freedom and a fresh new beginning. The place where they would raise their children in safety and in love. And yet there they were, […] Read more…

When Nothing Seems To Be Happening

Sometimes… I don’t think God knows what He’s doing. I would never say it out loud. I would never admit to it. But deep down inside I believe it. How do I know? It’s quite simple – when things don’t work out according to my perfect little plan I try to “fix” the situation and […] Read more…

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