trusting God

When doors close

A few weeks ago my boss sat me down and decided to give me an early Christmas gift. He told me I had to start looking for a new job. It was totally unexpected and out of the blue. Just like that I found myself standing with a closed door in front of me and […] Read more…

Can God be trusted?

I’m not going to lie. When I saw the clouds filling the sky on the day I planned to go skydiving I had this happy little feeling inside and I thought to myself “maybe, just maybe… they’ll cancel our jump because of the weather”. I know, I know, I’m such a brave soul. 😉 That […] Read more…

God Doesn’t Want You To Be Comfortable

Praying in public took Daniel from the comfort of his home to a den full of hungry lions. Worshiping only God took Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the comforts of security, to the burning fiery furnace and anger of a king. Faithfulness to God took Mary from the comfort of an ideal life to being […] Read more…

How did I end up here?

Have you ever found yourself in a certain place in life wondering “how in the world did I ever end up here?” “Here” was not part of your plan. “Here” is no where to be seen written down in your schedule. “Here” is not the destination you planned to reach. “Here” was not the road […] Read more…

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

…For the Bible tells me so… We have the songs down, the bible verses memorized… we undeniably know that God loves us, but my question to you is: do you really BELIEVE it? It’s easy to believe God loves you when the skies are blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everything is […] Read more…