We sing about how we’ll follow Jesus to the ends of the earth

But we have a hard time following Him across the street to our own neighbors…

We sing that we surrender all…

But we have a hard time surrendering ten minutes of our precious sleep time in the morning to spend with Him…

We sing that all we need is Jesus…

But we have a hard time not wanting the “next big thing” in our life that we think will make us happier…

We sing about how our sins are as far as the east is from the west…

But we still feel condemned every time Satan throws our past in the face, even though it has been long erased by Jesus’ blood

We sing about Jesus being the center of our lives…

But so little of our lives revolve around Him, and so much of it revolves around us

We sing about Jesus sitting on the throne and being in control…

But we have a hard time giving up our own plans, our own ambitions, our own desires for His.

We sing about how nothing is impossible for Him…

But we think our world is over with the smallest obstacle we face…

We sing about telling the world that Jesus lives…

But we have a hard time telling the co-workers that work at the booth right next to us the good news about Jesus…

We sing about praising Him in the storm…

But we have a hard time remembering to praise Him even in the sunshine.

It’s so easy to sing all of these words every Sunday morning.

They look so nice on paper.

Sounds so beautiful from the worshipers singing on stage.

But often times they are just empty words… because what we sing about on Sunday we don’t put into action on Monday. On Tuesday. On Wednesday. On Thursday. On Friday. And on Saturday.

The truth is real faith isn’t revealed on Sunday morning when you’re all dressed up in your shiny suit and your pretty dress. When you get together with fellow believers to worship Jesus.

No. It’s revealed on Monday morning when you wake up. When you go to school or work. When you fill your schedule up with the things you like to do.

Does your morning time prove that Jesus is the center of your life? Do you begin every day reading His Word…. or just staring at your face in the mirror?

Does your time, your deeds, your words to the people around you show them that Jesus lives in you. Will they come to know Christ because of you?

Does your spare time show that you’ll give up your plans and your schedule for His?

Does your life speak louder than the words you sing on Sunday morning?

Because at the end… your words won’t matter until they have action behind them.

Your good intentions won’t matter until they turn into reality.

Don’t just sing about God on Sunday morning. Serve Him on Monday.

Don’t just sing about how much you love Him on Sunday. Show Him that you do on Monday.

Don’t just sing that you’ll give it all to Him on Sunday. Give it all to Him Monday – Saturday.

Today… practice what it is that you sing about every Sunday morning.

Don’t just talk about your faith but live it out.

You are God’s light to the world. Born to shine brightly to the dark world around you. Made to share your faith to the broken world that is falling apart.

Don’t keep it to yourself for Sunday morning. Live it every day. Be blessed! Anna… ♥

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden.” – Matthew 5:14

0 comments on Living What You Preach

  1. I heard someone say this once and it stuck with me, “We are not simply called to go to church, we are called to be the church. To Sunday through Saturday take the Gospel out into the world.” Church isn’t where we go to hang out or get fed, we need to daily cultivate a relationship with God and be a blessing to all around us. Some people will never go to church but they will encounter Christians. Do we look like our Heavenly Father? That’s the goal of santification. Thanks for the post.

    • Amen!! It’s so much easier to go to church than to BE the church as God calls us to be to the world around us! We can’t always be taking and never give in return to the others who are in need of hearing the truth when we constantly have the opportunity to hear it in our lives.

      So many Christians think church is just a building they attend every Sunday and forget that it’s really the body of Christ that should be actively working together every day outside of that building to spread the good news to the world around us.

      Thanks for stopping by. I love reading your thoughts! Be blessed!

  2. Wow, powerful words Anna! And such a great reminder and challenge to all of us. Thank you for being bold in writing this!

    • Thanks Sarah! It’s a great challenge to me as well (one that I face very day). But with God’s help we can turn our Sunday worship into more than just songs we sing but into the life we live outside of those two hours in church. Thanks for stopping by. Be blessed!

  3. Great thoughts Anna! We need to be reminded of this! Odd question- what part of the country do you live in? I’ll be doing shows in the Fall/Winter and would love to be in your area and maybe host some sort of giving back event. Hope you are great!

    • Thanks Leah! I live in Washington – about half an hour away from Seattle. You should definitely let me know if you are ever in my area! I would love to check out your show and meet you! 🙂

  4. “…louder than the words you sing on Sunday morning.” I’m loving it! This post is so sobering and so well put. We all should regularly conduct self examinations to keep ourselves real. Great Read!

    • Yes! Self-examinations and reflections are so good! It’s important to set aside some time to really think about what we’re doing with our lives so that we remember to not get off track or distracted by things that don’t matter. 🙂

  5. The pathway of following Jesus seems a narrow path indeed and it gets narrower the more we yearn to yield to Him. As we go through the wilderness processes in our own hearts and lives there is great stripping away that seems to be done in us. For those who feel this deep calling to a life to be lived set apart and consecrated to the Lord there is no escaping these deeper works. It is part of the cross He is calling us to carry. It is true that it is not enough to say the words. As the Lord says in His Word, His eyes look throughout the earth to see those hearts that are fully committed to Him. This is the only way to be. How can I not give my all and surrender everything to Him who dies and gave Himself for me? May my life make a difference only so that His name will be exalted. He is beautiful beyond comparison. Like Paul said, let us share in His sufferings so that in doing so we are brought nearer to Him. If He suffered, let me suffer. Let me be close to Him so I can hear His heartbeat. Precious Jesus.

  6. Reblogged this on and commented:
    I came across this article by Daughter by Design…had to pass it on…Blessings, April…Thoughts From The Porch.

  7. Such an awesome post, Anna. An awesome conformation Thank You, Jesus!
    HE has set these words upon me for my own church family. To speak to their Faith. IRON SHARPENS IRON. If we do not speak to each oth in Faith the devil will speak to their discouragement.
    Thank your for sharing! Anna

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