
Giving God 99% of Me

Sometime I wonder… If you take away the bumper sticker on your car that says “Jesus Loves you”, if you take away the t-shirt you are wearing with a catchy Christian phrase on it, if you take away the cross hanging around your neck… would people see Jesus in you? From the very beginning of […] Read more…

Beyond The 4 Walls Of Church

There’s a serious epidemic in Christianity that is spreading quickly today, especially in civilized countries. You may have heard of it, you may have seen it, or just like me, you may be the one who has it. What is it? Spiritual blindness. The ability to become blind to those around us. How does a […] Read more…

“I’d rather live for myself”

Sometimes I wonder… What if Mary said she couldn’t give birth to Jesus because the possible judgment and ridicule she’d have to face would be too much for her to bear? What if Moses said he wouldn’t lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promised Land because he wasn’t eloquent with his words and […] Read more…

Living What You Preach

We sing about how we’ll follow Jesus to the ends of the earth… But we have a hard time following Him across the street to our own neighbors… We sing that we surrender all… But we have a hard time surrendering ten minutes of our precious sleep time in the morning to spend with Him… […] Read more…