
A faith that doesn’t falter

There’s something that has been nagging on my heart all week. Something that I don’t want to admit. Not to myself, and certainly not to others. It’s paradoxical and quite simple. I’m Christian and I’m not a believer. Those two things don’t belong in the same sentence together. But even though I wish I could […] Read more…

The antidote to worry

Here are the benefits of worrying: 1. ____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________ Yep, there are none. And yet how often do we toss and turn all night because of worry? How often do we create the worst of scenarios in our heads of what tomorrow might bring only to realize that it’s unlikely it will really come […] Read more…

Living out your faith authentically

Anyone can show up to church on Sunday morning, raise their hands during worship, and say all of the right “churchy” phrases. Anyone can grab a microphone and share a message on stage about what living for Christ looks like. Anyone can post inspirational quotes and Bible verses on their social media feeds about God. […] Read more…

Ignored, unloved, and not wanted

She knew that he never chose to be with her and yet every morning she woke up dreaming and praying that maybe he would love her the way that she loved him. She longed for him to look her deep in the eyes and call her beautiful. She wished late at night he would choose […] Read more…

When you feel afraid

Fear. It’s what kept the Israelites walking around in circles when they were destined for the Promised Land. It’s what made Peter start drowning when he should have kept on walking on water. It’s what causes dreams to be left unfulfilled and buried with talented, gifted, and skilled women and men all around the world. […] Read more…

When God says “Not Yet”

You had it all planned out perfectly from when you were a young teen. Where you would live, what you would do, who you would be. The moment you stepped off the podium of your college graduation you were ready to face the real world. To accomplish your dreams. To travel the world. To start […] Read more…

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

It was faith that brought Isaac into Abraham’s arms. Faith that kept Peter up when he walked on water. Faith that helped Moses lead the Israelites across the Red Sea. Faith that healed the blind man calling out to Jesus and faith that restored the health of the bleeding women. Faith that caused the walls […] Read more…

A God that always provides

You finally filled out your monthly bills and as you look at your bank account your stomach start churning as you realize you are down to pennies now. You lost your job a few months ago and you’ve been searching for a new job every day. Sending your resume out by the dozens. And yet […] Read more…

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