I will be happy when…

I marry the man of my dreams.

I can afford to buy that Lamborghini.

I live in that big house with a white picket fence.

I get my dream job.

I check everything off my bucket list.

I have that important title I’ve been climbing up the corporate ladder for.

And the list goes on and on.

Life offers us many options to attain satisfaction and pursue the “happiness” we so anxiously desire.

And people spend their lives searching for that “something more” that will give them the fulfillment they desperately want.

We all have the right to pursue this “happiness”.

To search for that something more that will truly satisfy us.

But the problem with this desire that we have isn’t that it’s wrong  (because God put it in our hearts for a reason) but because we are searching for it in all the wrong places.

The trouble is that we are seeking to find true happiness and ultimate fulfillment in things of this world when in reality we can only find it outside of this world: in Jesus.

“If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world.” – CS Lewis

There is no one that illustrates this better than one woman from the Bible who was seeking for that “something more” in a place that many women seek it in: a man.

It began with just one man. But then he turned out to be nothing like she expected him to be so she moved on to man #2.

Man #2 lasted for a little while but just like the first man all this relationship led to was a heartbreak. So she moved on to man #3.

He surely fit the description of Prince Charming. She knew that he had to be “the One” she was searching for all along. But with time, just like all the others, he still wasn’t the man of her dreams she hoped he would be.

Man #4 came and went.

So did man #5.

Each one brought her their own promise of hope and a future of happiness.

And in the end each one left her alone and feeling empty inside.

So she kept on searching. And she moved on to man #6,

If you don’t know who I’m referring to yet I’m talking about the Samaritan Woman at the well. (John 4)

The woman who was so desperately seeking to find that fulfillment to fill the void in her heart  by giving bits and pieces of it to different men.

And it wasn’t until Man #7 arrived on the scene that her search stopped forever.

It was only when she met Jesus that she finally found everything that she was longing for.

Because she stopped looking for fulfillment in the wrong places, and she found it in the right place: in Him.

And the same goes for you: until you allow Man #7 to enter into your life and fill it with Himself you will also be like this Samaritan Woman.

Until you allow Jesus to solely have the rightful place in your heart you will be on a never-ending hunt for finding that one thing that you think will satisfy you.

For the Samaritan Woman it was the perfect man.

For you it might be something different.

You search for happiness in one place and when you don’t find it there you move to another.

And then another.

And all you’ll ever find yourself is alone at a dead end thinking of the next place to look.

Wondering what can possibly fill that longing in your heart.

What can be that “something more”.

I just want remind you that it won’t be marrying the man or woman of your dreams.

It won’t be a shiny black Lamborghini.

It won’t be the big house with the white picket  fence.

It won’t be an important title and a million dollar paycheck in the mail.

Wanting some of these things are not bad.

Pursuing a career that will put more money in the bank isn’t bad.

Being ambitious and trying to do something with your life is not bad.

Settling down with someone you can’t wait to spend the rest of your life with isn’t bad.

But trying to find fulfillment in any of these things apart from Christ is.

The truth is these things can bring your happiness for a little while.

Maybe a few days, a few months, a few years. Just like those men brought the Samaritan Woman happiness temporarily.

But eventually that happiness you found will fade and you’ll go back to searching for that something more.

Today you can choose to stop the endless search for fulfillment.

You can stop looking for happiness in all the wrong places, and you can learn to find it in Jesus.

And once you do you will need to search no more.

Because you will find the thing that will give you a reason to wake up every  morning.

You will find the sweet spring of living water that will never leave you thirsty for something more.

Often times we are like the Israelite’s who forsook God while we run around looking for satisfaction in anyone or anything but Him.

We dig up our own broken cisterns that cannot hold any water (Jeremiah 2:13) and we want it to quench our thirst, when all it does is leave us empty because only God is the living water that will never leave us thirsty.

Only when we start pursuing God rather than the things of this world will we find true happiness, will we not need anything else to satisfy us, will we stop searching for that something more that leads us to nowhere.

 “Until you’re sold out to Jesus you’ll always be for sale to the highest bidding temptation.” – Rick Warren.

Today, be sold out to Jesus and you will never need to look for that “something more” in the wrong places ever again.

You will never be thirsty again.

Because you will find everything that you can possibly need in Him.

Be blessed and never stop pursuing God ! Anna… ♥

“But whoever drinks of the water that I will give him will never be thirsty again. The water that I will give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” – John 4:14

0 comments on Searching for “something more”

  1. That Rick Warren quote….I’m feeling like I got the wind knocked out of me! Wow. What you said may sound a little Sunday-school, but it’s just simple truth. The thirst is only satiated in one place – Christ.

    • Yeah, I love that quote (and many of Rick Warren’s quotes). Simple truth is always the best 😉 We are so blessed to know who to go to in order to quench that thirst!

  2. Such wisdom in this post. We walk and live among the “what if” and “if only”. We need to talk more about Him and not about happiness and having those expectations. Thanks!

    • Yes we do. It’s so important to stop living in those “what if’s” and “if only’s” and start embracing each day God has given us with joy just because we have one more chance to make a difference in this world that will mean something in eternity. Thanks for stopping by Brenda. Be blessed!

  3. Man #7 brought her to the revelation of her deepest need; a true and intimate relationship with the Living God and an experience His love as expressed in Jesus. Agape love. He satisfies the deepest need of the human spirit and quenches our spiritual thirst.

    Many of those at this time who considered themselves “pure” Jews actually lived in hatred of the Samaritans because they had intermarried with foreigners who were non-Jews. This lady was a Samaritan and therefore a member of this hated mixed race. The Jews actually did everything they could to avoid going through Samaria. In addition, she may have come to draw water at noon rather than the usual custom of morning and evening in order to avoid meeting people who may have known of her life and frowned on it. Not so for Jesus. He breaks all the norms. Nothing would stop Him from meeting with her. This was her day of destiny with the lover of her soul and therefore “he HAD to go through Samaria” (John 4.4). The God of time and space worked these circumstances in order that she meet Him on this appointed day. Heaven stopped for her. Her needs were at the very centre. Her heart the most important. Her life worth more than gold. In Him she found pure motives for once in her life. He put her first. Jesus brings tri-une healing; healing for spirit, soul and body. Secular psychology does not deal with that which is at the very centre of our being; the spirit. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He lovingly, and without any condemnation or judgement, brought her to her own realisation of her true need; Himself. And, that only He could bring healing to her spirit, and from this the healing of her soul – her damaged mind and emotions – would flow.

    The day approaches when God will have those that truly desire with their very life to worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. There is a fierce contention at this present time within the Body of Christ in this whole matter which the enemy has exploited – many deceptions abound over what is truly of the Holy Spirit and what the actual truth is. Some are distorting the truth for their own ends. We must Abide in the Vine and know the Good Shepherd intimately for ourselves.

    • Knowing the history of Samaritans and Jews really does put things in perspective. Jesus goes out of His way to meet up with a lady who in that time others would probably go out of their way to avoid, which only shows how we should extend kindness and love to all those around us, especially the people that are seen as outcasts. It is those people that we can overlook so easily that God calls us to be His hands and feet to. Heaven did stop for a lost woman who was in search of real fulfillment and each one of us should never be too busy to stop for the many lost people in this world who are also in search of finding true meaning, satisfaction, and purpose in life. We know how to quench that thirst because we have Jesus, but unfortunately not everyone does and until they do they will continue looking for that fulfillment in one place or another. It’s our duty to follow in Christ’s footsteps and make it our priority (and not exception) to seek out people who are searching for the truth and tell them about the One who can truly satisfy all their needs.

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