The greatest king in the world started out by being a mere shepherd boy.

The bravest queen in the world was an orphan girl.

The most influential evangelizers in history were simple fishermen.

The savior that came down from heaven was born in a barn full of farm animals.

What about you?

How does your story begin?

Some of the most influential men and women in history were not born into prestige but in poverty.

We know their names not because of where they were born but because of how they lived.

Because what matters in the end is never how you start, but how you finish.

We don’t get to choose where our how our story starts but it is up to us to determine how it will end.

Whether when we are lying on our death bed reflecting on our lives we can be proud of the person we were and the way we lived each day.

Whether we can look forward to meeting Jesus and hearing Him say “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

So often we allow our backgrounds, our past, and our abilities to limit us.

We say “well, I’m just an average girl who doesn’t have much to offer the world” or “I’m just a regular guy and there’s nothing special about me” and maybe that’s true but what will set you apart is not your outward appearance, your last name, or your abilities but your character and your heart.

Sometimes what handicaps us most is not our hard past, our weaknesses, or our physical capabilities but our attitude and our faith in God helping us become all He calls us to be.

Stop saying I’m handicapped. Helen Keller was blind, deaf, and mute. Yet she graduated from college with honors. – Pastor John Hagee

Why was it that God chose not someone from a royal family line, but a simple teenage girl to give birth to His own beloved son?

Why was it that God chose not one of the Pharisees who could quote passages from scripture by heart, but simple fishermen to spread His gospel to the world?

Why was it that God chose not an army general but a young boy in the field who only knew how to shepherd sheep and play a harp to be one of the greatest kings alive?

Because He saw their heart.

And He sees yours as well.

You want to serve Christ but you think you have no potential?

Maybe by worldly standards you don’t, but in Him you have more potential in the world than someone with a large bank account and a fancy job title.

Today.. what do you allow to limit you?

To stop you from pressing forward and being God’s light to the world?

You have a unique calling and purpose in your life, just like David and Esther and each one of the apostles.

Are you fulfilling it or do you allow your background to limit you and your excuses to never allow you to start?

If you were to die today would you be confident that God’s words to you will be“well done, good and faithful servant?”

Or would He say… “You were meant to be a king… but all you wanted to be was a shepherd boy.”

Or “You were meant to be a light to the world around you but you were content with fishing for fish for when I called you to fish for men.”

David, Esther, the disciples they all chose well.

They chose to live beyond the limits of their backgrounds and their pasts.

They allowed God to determine their potential, worth, and abilities.

And they each finished their race well.

What about you?

Will you do the same?

Never forget that your background only determines how you start but with God’s help you can determine how you finish. Be blessed! Anna… 

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us”- Hebrews 12:1

0 comments on Choosing to End Well

  1. What a wonderful post! Thank you for this needed reminder today! I am always amazed at the people God chooses to work through in the Bible (and present day!)

  2. This post is amazing! It reminds me of how people at my home church wouldn’t invite me to youth group because they thought I wouldn’t be interested. Along came my youth pastor who said, “Screw that”, invited me and now I’m in seminary studying to be a youth pastor. Other people don’t know our potential sometimes but now and then, God sends someone to push us along on the journey.

    • Thank you Logan. I love those people (like your youth pastor) who accept everyone with open arms and see potential in people that may not be easily seen by others. I’m so grateful for those people that God sent my way as well. Wishing you the best in your seminary studies!

  3. Love it! Thank you for being such a great inspiration! 🙂

    Stop saying I’m handicapped. Helen Keller was blind, deaf, and mute. Yet she graduated from college with honors. – Pastor John Hagee
    This is so true! I want to go to College but I’m afraid my “disability” will be a hindrance. But I was told today that I need to stop thinking that way and push through it. I know God will give me the strength! I am not disabled but able through Christ! I won’t let it define me. Praise God! Thanks 😀

    • Thanks Deborah! If you want to attend college you should totally do it! It might be a little tougher for you than it is for others but with God’s help I know you can make it through. With Him nothing is impossible and our disabilities and weaknesses will only serve to show His power and grace in our lives as He helps us do things with Him we could never do on our own. May He continue to lead you and give you boldness to keep moving forward and living courageously with Him!

  4. Great insights and encouragement, Anna. I also think of Solomon who was born in a palace, was blessed with the greatest wisdom and wealth ever known, yet did not end well. Someone once said, “adversity breeds genius, prosperity hides it.” Your point on choosing well is critical. Blessings.

    • Thank you Mel. Such a great point about Solomon! What we think is our disadvantage (our background, health, disabilities) may be our greatest advantage in the end as God helps us move beyond those limitations and live in faith with Him. Blessings to you!

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