
Moving past your pain

We have all been a victim of something in our lives. A victim of hateful words. A victim of painful circumstances. A victim of physical, mental, or emotional abuse. That abuse may have happened one time and once it happened everything in your world changed. Sometimes that abuse happens for weeks, for months, and for […] Read more…

Forgiving and Moving On

Whether you like it or not people are going to hurt you. Not strangers that you don’t know. Not mere acquaintances that you could care less about. No… people that you love. People that you look up to. People that you would do anything for. Sometimes they will hurt you out of jealousy, out of […] Read more…

Turn your pain into someone else’s hope

Sometimes when I step into church I feel like I’m attending a masquerade. A place full of perfect people hiding behind masks. Masks that cover their insecurities, their imperfections, their heartaches, their struggles, and their pain. People who would never dare to put that mask down and admit that life is less than perfect. That […] Read more…

Power of Words

“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.” …and there goes one of the most popular and well-known lies of all time. The truth is no matter how much we pretend that words don’t hurt, no matter how hard we try to forget words that people spoke against us, no […] Read more…

When Life Gives You Lemons

We’ve all heard the saying: “When life gives you lemons make lemonade”. I think it’s pretty cute and all, but it’s one thing to say something and another thing to actually turn it into reality. “Making lemonade” literally is pretty simple. Get some water, toss in some sugar, squeeze in some fresh lemons and there […] Read more…

When There is No End in Sight

I’ve been there more than once before. Thinking the road has finally cleared and I’ve found my way out. But instead I was facing another dead end. Trying to stay afloat in the raging waters, waiting for the storm to pass and for that rainbow to shine. But instead I find that the clouds get […] Read more…

God is Good (Even When Life Is Not)

Is God still good… When you keep on knocking but the doors never open? When prayers seem unanswered? When darkness is all you see? When life leaves you with never-ending disappointments? When you get out of one valley to find yourself in another one? When nights are met with fresh new tears and days are […] Read more…