
What’s on YOUR Resumé?

If I was looking for a great group of friends to depend on I probably wouldn’t choose any of Jesus’ disciples, they all ran from Him when He needed them the most. (Matthew 26:56) If I was looking for someone to represent our nation in public, I probably wouldn’t choose Moses. He had a speaking […] Read more…

When the Odds Are Against You

God promised him a son that would give him more descendants than stars in the sky…yet his wife was almost one hundred years old, barren for so many years, with no hope of a baby in sight. The odds were against him. God led them out of slavery in Egypt only to bring them to […] Read more…

Addicted to Approval

There’s a fad going around in the average teenager’s world on facebook that really got to me last year. Although it’s new to the facebook world… it has existed long before facebook. What is it exactly? It’s the constant desire of people (beginning in their young years) to have the approval and validation of others. […] Read more…

When There is No End in Sight

I’ve been there more than once before. Thinking the road has finally cleared and I’ve found my way out. But instead I was facing another dead end. Trying to stay afloat in the raging waters, waiting for the storm to pass and for that rainbow to shine. But instead I find that the clouds get […] Read more…

I’ll Do It… Tomorrow.

We all make excuses. Excuses for staying in our comfort zones instead of reaching for our dreams. Excuses for living halfheartedly instead of giving God our all. Excuses for remaining in the same place we’ve always been and never taking a step forward. See… tomorrow always seems like a better day to do everything God […] Read more…

Living What You Preach

We sing about how we’ll follow Jesus to the ends of the earth… But we have a hard time following Him across the street to our own neighbors… We sing that we surrender all… But we have a hard time surrendering ten minutes of our precious sleep time in the morning to spend with Him… […] Read more…

And I Thought Life Was Supposed to Be Easy…

I used to think that just because I was Christian life would automatically be “easy.”After all God Almighty, Creator of the universe was on MY side… everything I went through would be a piece of cake, right? My life would be full or rainbows, butterflies, and happy feelings. I’d wake up feeling abundant joy every […] Read more…

When Jesus was my Religion

Before Jesus was my best friend, before He was my savior, before He was my King of Kings… He was just my religion. He was someone I honored from afar. Someone I feared. Someone I tried to behave “good” for. I grew up hearing about Jesus. Reading about Jesus. Praying to Jesus. But it wasn’t […] Read more…

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