
“My life is meaningless”

I’m not going to lie, I can read thousands of inspirational quotes about living life to the fullest, I can read one book after another about what habits I need to build to fulfill my dreams, I can go to church three times a week and hear one message after another about the purpose of […] Read more…

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

It was faith that brought Isaac into Abraham’s arms. Faith that kept Peter up when he walked on water. Faith that helped Moses lead the Israelites across the Red Sea. Faith that healed the blind man calling out to Jesus and faith that restored the health of the bleeding women. Faith that caused the walls […] Read more…

A God that always provides

You finally filled out your monthly bills and as you look at your bank account your stomach start churning as you realize you are down to pennies now. You lost your job a few months ago and you’ve been searching for a new job every day. Sending your resume out by the dozens. And yet […] Read more…

Giving God 99% of Me

Sometime I wonder… If you take away the bumper sticker on your car that says “Jesus Loves you”, if you take away the t-shirt you are wearing with a catchy Christian phrase on it, if you take away the cross hanging around your neck… would people see Jesus in you? From the very beginning of […] Read more…

A Woman After God’s Own Heart

I’ve been intimidated by this woman since the first moment I read about her. She’s the woman who has it all together. The woman who rises early to prepare for the day. The woman who always reaches out to help the people around her who are in need. The woman who takes care of her […] Read more…

God, Why?

Questions. They began from the moment that we find the words to say them. About why the sky is blue, how you can grow tall, and what makes the world go round. Questions about the world we see with our eyes, the people around us, and the life that we live. And for the most […] Read more…

God’s Definition of Love

Love. It has been sung about by popular music artists of all genres for many decades and I’m sure many more decades to come. It has been endlessly written about by famous authors who with words attempt to depict its complex significance. It is talked about by people on a regular basis as they attempt to […] Read more…

Choosing to End Well

The greatest king in the world started out by being a mere shepherd boy. The bravest queen in the world was an orphan girl. The most influential evangelizers in history were simple fishermen. The savior that came down from heaven was born in a barn full of farm animals. What about you? How does your […] Read more…

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