DeathbedWe live in a world of “here and now” and sometimes we forget that there is a bigger picture.

A greater purpose.

A specific reason for every single beat of our heart.

We focus so much on the external, temporary things of life and get caught up in worldly pursuits that we forget the reason why.

Why we woke up this morning.

Why we do the things we do every day.

Why we chase certain dreams and desires.

And sometimes all it takes is stepping back for a mere moment to remind yourself of what this life is really about.

We are always on the go, rushing forward into our future and sometimes we need to remember to take a minute to stop and pause.

To reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re going.

To think about the priorities and pursuits of our life.

And decide whether they are worth it.

Because if you don’t step back for that moment you’ll get caught up in the “next thing” and before you know it, your life will be nearing its end and you’ll be lying on your deathbed wondering…

Was working overtime to buy that bigger house and nicer car worth it when you could have been at home spending time with your kids?

Was spending many nights gossiping about your neighbor so meaningful when you could have been bringing them before God on your knees?

Was spending so much time in front of the computer and tv or on your phone so important when you could have been spending that time in front of Jesus?

Was spending all those evenings at the coffee shop debating about theology so worth it when you can have just been sharing the gospel to those in need?

Was being so consumed with your image and worrying about where you stand with people so important when you could have been consumed with Jesus and caring about where you stand with Him?

Was being so focused on meeting your personal desires such a big priority that you were too blind to see those who could have used your helping hand?

Sometimes it’s good to stop and think about these things.

Put everything you do in perspective of eternity.

How much of it really matters?

And how much of it would you change if you knew you had one day left to live?

The truth is we will probably all have at least a few regrets by the end of our lives.

We’d do a few things differently if we had a second chance to re-live those moments.

But today you have full control over the life you live.

Over how you spend your time.

Over what you decide is a priority.

My hope for you and I is that we move beyond the “here and now” and think about the eternal significance all of the things that we do really have.

That we don’t waste another second on the wrong things.

You don’t have a second chance to live life better the next time around.

All you have is today, so make today the best that it can be.

Have good priorities.

Set the right goals.

And pursued whatever God calls you to do wholeheartedly.

I know that if I were to die today I would already regret a few things but with Christ’s help I won’t make the same mistakes over again.

I won’t make things important that shouldn’t be.

I won’t live for the temporary things of this world when it’ll last but for a moment compared to the life I have awaiting for me in eternity.

Today… take some time to pause.

To reflect about yourself and your life.

Are you going where you believe God is leading you?

Are you the person you want to be?

If you’re not, you have a chance to get back on track.

Don’t waste a single moment doing things that won’t be worth it at the end.

Be blessed! -Anna… ♥

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. – Matthew 6:19-21


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