Sometimes I think a full schedule of things to do is one of the enemy’s sneakiest tricks into living an unfulfilled life.

Our planners full of meetings to attend, people to meet, and events to participate in may make us feel like we are doing something worthwhile and important but often times those things that are supposed to be so good are the very things that get us further away from Christ.

We become like Martha, hustling and bustling away in the kitchen, preparing amazing things for our Savior, and yet ignoring Him the whole time.

Lately I have been feeling a lot more like Martha than like Mary.

I don’t remember the last day I’ve had just to Jesus and myself.

I feel like I’m running a marathon race and I can’t stop until I cross the finish line.

Unless I make a conscious effort to take a break I’m going to keep going until the day I die.

And sometimes in the midst of the running… I forget why I’m running in the first place.

I get discouraged and I get off track.

And I don’t even look forward to making it to the finish line.

Sometimes I get scared that if I don’t stop then I will live my life not on purpose, but just to get by.

That I’ll be so busy working in ministry and life for Jesus that I will miss Him completely, just like Mary did.

That in between the meeting I must attend, the Bibles studies I need to go to, the events I need to participate in, the friends I need to catch up with, the lessons I need to prepare, and the blog post’s I need to write I will totally miss God and my whole meaning of life.

It’s been on my heart for quite some time now to have a time of withdrawal, not just for a day, but for a period of time.

A time where like Mary, I will be consumed with simply sitting at the feet of Christ more than anything I do.

That my phone will be put on silent, that my planner will be cast aside, and I will get deeper with Him.

So for this month I want to blog less on here and write more simply in my personal journal to His heart.

I want to read less books and articles, and be consumed with the Word of God.

I want to hang out a little less just for fun, and do things that are meaningful alone with God.

I want to reprioritize, I want to set goals, and I want to get direction for the next steps God wants to take me in life.

I have been feeling for a few months now that I have been standing at a crossroad without understanding where to go next, and I’ve been looking in the mirror knowing that there’s so much more work for God to do in my heart, and I’m honestly a little scared of the unknown and where it will take me.

I’m nervous to be chiseled on the potter’s wheel.

I like my busy schedule and my comfortable life.

But I know it’s time… to press further into Christ, and let go of the familiar with Him.

It’s time to make a conscious effort to press pause on my busyness for a little while.

It’s time to stop hitting the snooze button on my goals and dreams and start pursuing them with Him.

It is alone in the quietness that God speaks the loudest and the clearest, and that’s exactly where I want to be.

In that place where it’s just me and Him.

Where the world fades away slowly and He comes drawing even more near.

Where I will forget my own pursuits and my own desires and I will start running after His.

Where my “to do” list will be forgotten and all I want to do is spend more time with Him.

This will be my time of withdrawal from the world around me and my drawing closer to Him.

I most likely won’t be blogging on here for this month so if you have prayer needs during this time please e-mail me, I would love to keep your needs in my prayers along with mine.

And may you also take some time to withdraw during this time in your life.

To take a getaway with Jesus and remember what life is about.

To seek His will and plan for your life above your own.

To lay your burdens at His feet and leave them there once and for all.

I hope you enjoy the rest of these (hopefully) sunny glorious days!

Be blessed and keep walking faithfully with God!  -Anna… ♥

“Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you.” -James 4:8

0 comments on “I’m busy…always”

  1. Wow Anna!
    I have been struggling with the same thoughts. There is too much going on in my life. Too much distractions. I ALLOW those distractions…..! I really admire your decision and it has made me think about how desperate I am for more of God. It’s now on me I guess. What am I going to do?
    It is a challenge indeed!
    Will hear from you in a month’s time. God bless you.


    • I agree Rolain, distractions will always come into our life and we will always have opportunities to add more things on our calendars but it’s so important to center our life around God and his priorities rather than our to do lists.

      I’m excited for this month and what God will teach me throughout it (although I will miss being on here).

      May He help you with your own walk with Him as you make sure to set time aside to seek Him and grow in Him in the midst of all the busyness that life brings. Be blessed!

  2. Amen, Anna. You’re right, we’re definitely on the same page here! 🙂 Enjoy your time with Papa God! I know it will be awesome and transformational. Blessings.

  3. I find myself in that place all the time! One thing that is most precious but take for granted too often is TIME! I love that quote about having the same 24 hours, it’s what we do with it that counts (or something like that lol). I always recommend The Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster. He talks about the dangerous of busyness in chapter 1 and I definitely recommend it as a staple book in the Christian’s library. It’s one that I go to again and again! In the midst of busyness, we realize just how much we miss God like you would a friend you haven’t seen in a long time. I miss His presence, His peace, His joy and the enemy can come in like a flood with self-condemnation making us feel even worse.

    I pray you enjoy your time away and reconnect with God so that you’re refreshed and ready to share all that God gives you!

    • Hi Liv! That sounds like just the book I need to read! I will make sure to get it soon. 🙂

      Just like any relationship, it will suffer if the two people don’t make time to spend time together, so will our relationship with God if we neglect Him. It seems easier to do it when you are busy doing things that somehow involve Him (indirectly) like Martha serving Him, and as good as that is, what He wants most is simply time with us in His presence.

      Withdrawal with Him is necessary if we want to keep growing in Him. I’m happy I’m taking the time to simply do just that. 🙂

      May God bless you this month and may you also continue finding your joy, your guidance, and your renrwal in Him daily!

  4. I am in the same boat like you Anna! Just to take a break from the world and spend times with our heavily father! Enjoy!

  5. If you can hear the sound of a slow and sincere handclap, you are spot-on! Until going to church I only ever saw so many diaries in hot-shot city types!! The diary owners tell me they are essential. Seems like God needs us to schedule His work for Him. If you sense some disquiet on my part you would be spot-on again.

    Yay to you. Double yay to you. I so love this post.

  6. Soooo true. Love how you put it. We can be doing amazing things for God, but sometimes He just wants to spend time with us. Pertinent word for sure for me! Thanks!!!! 🙂

    • Exactly! It’s like a husband who showers his wife with gifts all the time and does nice things for her but never takes the time to actually simply spend time with her. In the end that’s what she wants above all the gifts and sacrifices he makes for her. And that’s what God desires for us too.

      Above serving Him and using our gifts for His glory He wants us to just get away and be alone with Him. May we all take the time to do that because in the end that’s what matters most.

      Be blessed!

    • I know! It’s amazing to see people who are set apart from the world and desire Christ above all that the world has to offer. May He continue to stirring hearts of all His children to seek Him and place Him in the center of their (busy) life.

      Have a blessed Sunday!

  7. I think it’s a great thing to take a month to exclude a lot from your life and be with your God. God will meet your there, I’m sure. As you bask in His glory and light Jesus will be next to you. I find in my life that I need to do this every day, or nearly every day. I most like to do it on my walks, sitting on a hill in the grass. I take a few min. sometimes minutes that lengthen into an hour, and just bask in His presence. I praise Him and thank Him and sit silently with eyes closed. Peace always comes and I feel refreshed. This quiet time, this seeking of His presence and fellowshipping with His Spirit is essential for my joy and well being. Now it may not be possible for everyone to do this all the time. I just had my Grandkids here for two months and found it difficult to find this alone time with my Savior every day. I spent much time reading the Bible to them and talking about Jesus but my own personal fellowship with Him was lacking. I feel it and now that they’re gone I will get back to it. So if a month, a week, a day or an hour alone with Him now and then is all a person can get then do it. I agree with you that our busyness is a hindrance to our closeness to Him. And there certainly is enough busyness in all our lives these days. Thanks for the reminder.

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