“I’d rather live for myself”

Sometimes I wonder… What if Mary said she couldn’t give birth to Jesus because the possible judgment and ridicule she’d have to face would be too much for her to bear? What if Moses said he wouldn’t lead the Israelites out of Egypt into the Promised Land because he wasn’t eloquent with his words and […] Read more…

Elijah Moments

Have you ever felt like you finally reached the end of yourself? That there was nothing worth waking up the next morning for? That nothing good could possibly come out of you or the situation that you are in? That maybe the world might just be a better place without you in it? If you […] Read more…

When Life Gives You Lemons

We’ve all heard the saying: “When life gives you lemons make lemonade”. I think it’s pretty cute and all, but it’s one thing to say something and another thing to actually turn it into reality. “Making lemonade” literally is pretty simple. Get some water, toss in some sugar, squeeze in some fresh lemons and there […] Read more…

Standing God Up

There’s few things worst in this world then being stood up by someone you care about. Then being rejected or ignored by someone you love. Then esteeming someone as a very important person in your life when you are the least important in theirs. And it always leaves you feeling one thing: sad. Sad that […] Read more…

In the Background Where Nobody Sees

Nobody grows up dreaming to be a janitor when they grow up. Cleaning toilets in the back where nobody will notice. Nobody stands in long lines outside of studios waiting for a chance to become someone working in the backstage before the show. Nobody gives up years of their life to chase the dream of […] Read more…

When There is No End in Sight

I’ve been there more than once before. Thinking the road has finally cleared and I’ve found my way out. But instead I was facing another dead end. Trying to stay afloat in the raging waters, waiting for the storm to pass and for that rainbow to shine. But instead I find that the clouds get […] Read more…

How did I end up here?

Have you ever found yourself in a certain place in life wondering “how in the world did I ever end up here?” “Here” was not part of your plan. “Here” is no where to be seen written down in your schedule. “Here” is not the destination you planned to reach. “Here” was not the road […] Read more…

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

…For the Bible tells me so… We have the songs down, the bible verses memorized… we undeniably know that God loves us, but my question to you is: do you really BELIEVE it? It’s easy to believe God loves you when the skies are blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everything is […] Read more…

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