trust God

When God says “Not Yet”

You had it all planned out perfectly from when you were a young teen. Where you would live, what you would do, who you would be. The moment you stepped off the podium of your college graduation you were ready to face the real world. To accomplish your dreams. To travel the world. To start […] Read more…

Getting Out of Your Comfort Zone

It was faith that brought Isaac into Abraham’s arms. Faith that kept Peter up when he walked on water. Faith that helped Moses lead the Israelites across the Red Sea. Faith that healed the blind man calling out to Jesus and faith that restored the health of the bleeding women. Faith that caused the walls […] Read more…

A God that always provides

You finally filled out your monthly bills and as you look at your bank account your stomach start churning as you realize you are down to pennies now. You lost your job a few months ago and you’ve been searching for a new job every day. Sending your resume out by the dozens. And yet […] Read more…

God, Why?

Questions. They began from the moment that we find the words to say them. About why the sky is blue, how you can grow tall, and what makes the world go round. Questions about the world we see with our eyes, the people around us, and the life that we live. And for the most […] Read more…

When God’s answer doesn’t come

You have been praying for a breakthrough, for a healing, for an open door, for freedom, for a loved one to come to Christ, for a blessing and yet day after day, month after month, year after year you remain empty-handed. Wondering if God even hears. And if He does hear then if He truly […] Read more…

Learning to Control Your Feelings

I’m a girl. Which means that one second I can be laughing until I’m crying and the next second I will be crying… literally. One minute I’m high up in the clouds excited about everything in the world. The next minute I’m down in the dumps throwing myself a pity party and thinking it’s the […] Read more…

Stuck at a Dead End

They had their hopes set for the Promised Land. Waking up every morning to take one step after another to reach that place they had only dreamt about. The place of freedom and a fresh new beginning. The place where they would raise their children in safety and in love. And yet there they were, […] Read more…

When Nothing Seems To Be Happening

Sometimes… I don’t think God knows what He’s doing. I would never say it out loud. I would never admit to it. But deep down inside I believe it. How do I know? It’s quite simple – when things don’t work out according to my perfect little plan I try to “fix” the situation and […] Read more…

God will take care of you

If God could feed over 5000 hungry people with 5 fish and two loaves of bread. God can provide for you no matter how limited your resources are and how little you have. If God could part the Red Sea to make a way for the Israelites. He can make a way for you at […] Read more…

Loving God When It’s Hard

I wish fairy tales came with labels, warning, disclaimers of some sort before we get swept away by Prince Charmings and Happily Ever After Endings. One such as “real love is not how it appears on this screen” or “don’t forget that this is just a made up story.” I have nothing against Prince Charming. […] Read more…

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