hard times

And I Thought Life Was Supposed to Be Easy…

I used to think that just because I was Christian life would automatically be “easy.”After all God Almighty, Creator of the universe was on MY side… everything I went through would be a piece of cake, right? My life would be full or rainbows, butterflies, and happy feelings. I’d wake up feeling abundant joy every […] Read more…

The Masks We Wear

The greatest actors aren’t necessarily the ones we see on tv. Sometimes they are the people right beside us who hide behind the perfect mask, too scared to show that they don’t have it all together. I know, because often times I find myself wearing that mask. Although this was over two months ago I […] Read more…

Jesus Loves Me This I Know

…For the Bible tells me so… We have the songs down, the bible verses memorized… we undeniably know that God loves us, but my question to you is: do you really BELIEVE it? It’s easy to believe God loves you when the skies are blue, the sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everything is […] Read more…