
How Will My Story End?

I have a problem. One I have been aware of for a long time. It’s an issue I have battled with my whole life and quite honestly, I don’t know if it’s one I will ever overcome. Here it is: I like to know how everything ends. Stories. Movies. Books. If I have the option […] Read more…

When doors close

A few weeks ago my boss sat me down and decided to give me an early Christmas gift. He told me I had to start looking for a new job. It was totally unexpected and out of the blue. Just like that I found myself standing with a closed door in front of me and […] Read more…

A time to give

I don’t know if anyone has ever told you that Christmas is not about the gifts, but if they did then they were lying. Christmas always was, Christmas always is, and Christmas will ALWAYS be about the gifts. It’s about a gift so grand that you would never be able to find it at the […] Read more…

Praising God in the Storm

I’ve always wished that my life was perfect, pain-free, and easy. But that’s never guaranteed when you are Christian. God says that the path He calls us to walk is narrow, not wide. It’s not a path that many people will choose because it’s hard. It’s a path that leads you through valleys and storms. […] Read more…

When your church isn’t perfect

I have an announcement to make. It’s kind of big. After much thought I have decided to do something that I never thought I would do. I am quitting church. Why you might ask? Well, there are many reasons but here are just a few. It’s full of hypocrites. The worship just isn’t my style. […] Read more…

“God is holding out on me”

Can I be honest about something today? Sometimes I just don’t get God. I don’t get Him because He is Almighty and Sovereign. He has the power to do absolutely anything in the world. He can answer the prayer you have been praying for years in a millisecond and yet He doesn’t. He deliberately chooses […] Read more…

The antidote to worry

Here are the benefits of worrying: 1. ____________________________________________ 2.____________________________________________ 3.____________________________________________ Yep, there are none. And yet how often do we toss and turn all night because of worry? How often do we create the worst of scenarios in our heads of what tomorrow might bring only to realize that it’s unlikely it will really come […] Read more…

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