Growing up I always had the mentality that Proverbs 31 was qualities that a wife and mother needed to have. Whenever I read that chapter I always thought to myself “Wow, what an amazing woman of God – I’m going to have a LOT to work on to keep up with the standards that she sets”. Recently as I was once again reading this chapter from the bible it dawned on me that I need to work on having all of those qualities in my life right now – not the day after my wedding. There’s a saying out there about how putting a ring on your finger and getting married does not mean that you will automatically become this amazing wife/husband you thought you would be. If you don’t possess these qualities in your life before marriage, then you won’t have them after you get married either.

I decided to break down the verses (not all of them) for myself and write down what they mean along with how I need to apply them to my life right now… It makes it nice and easy for me to see the different areas I need to continue working on. And- even if you are single and not planning on getting married anytime soon – all of these qualities are still important to acquire so that we can truly be the women of God we are called to be.

I know the “Proverbs 31 Woman” is a bit intimidating with her perfection sometimes. But possessing the qualities that she has is not impossible and the sooner we get working on them the better our lives will be… 🙂  God bless all of you!!




15 She rises also while it is still night and gives food to her household and portions to her maidens.

Wakes up early and prepares for the day. Self-disciplined.

Get up early. Have my morning time with God. Prepare myself for the day not only physically, but spiritually as well.

16She considers a field and buys it; From her earnings she plants a vineyard.

Spends her money wisely.

Create a monthly budget and stick to it. Don’t waste my money.


17She girds herself with strength and makes her arms strong.

Strengthens herself physically (and spiritually). Stays energetic.

Exercise and eat healthier food (physical strength).

 Read the Bible and pray (spiritual strength).

20She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hands to the needy

Generous to the needy. Cares for others, not only herself. Unselfish.

Have a servant’s heart. Give my time, energy, and finances to others.

25Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she smiles at the future.

Optimistic and confident about her future.

Have a positive attitude 🙂 always!

27She looks well to the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness.


Takes care of the home. Isn’t lazy.

Keep my stuff in order. My office, my room, my car….

26She opens her mouth in wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue.

Speaks with wisdom and encouragement.

Don’t gossip or waste time talking about useless things. Encourage others with my words.

13She looks for wool and flax and works with her hands in delight.

Works hard and does it joyfully.

Work hard without complaining.

22She makes coverings for herself; her clothing is fine linen and purple.

Takes care of her outside appearance.

Don’t have too many bad hair days 😉

30Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

Fears God.

Take care of my heart and my spiritual life. Live in a way that honors God.


0 comments on Becoming: Proverbs 31 Girl ✓

  1. I have been thinking about being a godly woman lately, the same thoughts have been flitting through my own mind. Its almost deadly to wait till we are married to become the godly woman of Proverbs, this woman shows us what we all should be aiming for, whether single, married, child or widow.


  2. Nice application! You’re right…we don’t have to be a wife to like becoming this kind of woman. We’re called to it! I especially gravitate towards the part where “she dresses in fine linen and purple.” Apart from all the “perfect qualities” this Proverbs 31 girl has, she is dressed in great clothes too!

  3. Thanks for visiting my blog I am so glad you did, otherwise I would never have found you. This is the best explanation of Proverbs 31 I have ever read! Well done! I am going to post the link to the blog entry on my facebook group; my daughters have to read this. I will add a link to your blog to my blog tomorrow. It’s worth reading.

    • Thank you so much Hilda! I’m sure there are many more in depth articles about the Proverbs 31 Woman but I figured it would be nice to create my own version. Thanks for stopping by and sharing. Be blessed!

  4. I love how you broke down the verses and translated them into our everyday language. Thank you…I used to feel a lot of shame about not being a P31 woman until I realized it was God’s strength, not my own, that allowed me to become one. His power, healing love, and grace are slowly molding me into the woman He created me to be. Thank you for sharing this…

    • Yes, Proverbs 31 woman is quite intimidating and seemingly impossible to measure up to, but with God’s help we can work on becoming more like Him every day and have those character traits that she has . It can be a slow and sometimes painful process but it’s so worth it at the end when you realize what a beautiful woman He has helped you become. Many blessings to you and during this time of molding (that I’m always undergoing as well). 🙂

  5. Oh my goodness! I just came across your blog and I am stupefied at the wisdom within this post. Having read that you work with youth, I would say that you are in the right place. I love this Proverbs 31 post as it is indeed an intimidating standard and it is one to work towards always before and during marriage – even into our older years.
    Bless you in your ministry and I look forward to reading more of your posts.
    Easter Ellen

    • I’m so glad I came across your blog today! I’m so excited to read all of your posts as well!

      And I think often times we (women) either love or despise the Proverbs 31 Woman, but I’ve come to realize that she wouldn’t have been written about in the Bible if having a character and lifestyle like hers was unreachable and impossible. Therefore, I will never give up on becoming more like Christ every day and in the processing possessing all the qualities that every woman of God should have. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by. Be blessed!!

  6. Hey Anna! I’m so glad you stopped by my blog so I could look back at yours! 🙂 I only started my blog in September and have been so blessed by how it has opened up this whole new community of blogs for christian women such as yours! 🙂 I appreciate so much your wisdom in your posts and also your extensive resources you’ve given for those who stop by, from books to other articles and blogs that resound with you and with your readers. Keep on writing and glorifying our God through it all! Blessings to you fellow blogger and sister in Christ! 🙂

    • Welcome to the blogging world!! I hope you’ll enjoy it as much as I do! I was scrolling through your blog yesterday and laughing at all of the funny things you post (about being Christian). 😉 I love it when people have a sense of humor on their blogs. It’s so refreshing! (Unlike my very serious ones) 😉

      May God use you and your blog to bless others as you share what He places on your heart! (and bring a smile to their face as well) 🙂 Enjoy your weekend!!

    • Thank you! I’m glad that the practical applications are helpful to you. May you continue growing into a woman after God’s own heart as you pursue Him and become all that He’s called you to be. Be blessed and walk strong sister!

  7. Thanks for the post! I really appreciated someone else’ ideas for Proverbs 31 to singles. Your post is very similar to a book called His Chosen Bride by Jennifer Lamp Neef. It’s for younger girls but it still has many of the same suggestions.

    • I’ve never heard of that book but I’ll be sure to put it on my reading list. I work with teen girls at my church and I’m sure it’ll be great for them. 🙂 Thank you. Be blessed!

  8. Reblogged this on tannarain and commented:
    I love this simple breakdown of Proverbs 31 – undoubtedly a description of an amazing woman of God that we should be striving to be, even before becoming a wife. Realistic ways to really strive to be a P31 woman 🙂

  9. Your blog was sent to me via Pinterest after I admitted in my own blog that I have never, in my 60 years achieved Proverbs 31 status. I love the encouragement of this post.

  10. while I think verse 22 could be applied to our outward appearance I believe it goes deeper to what you layer on to yourself Day after day making choices that become your reputation and ingrain in you the mind of Christ. Dressing dignified is part of it yes but as you walk through this life you draping yourself either with the finery of a princess , the King’s daughter or a harlot Purple is for Royalty linen is for the rich. if you apply this in a spiritual sense you will see the deeper meaning.

  11. Yet again, your writing and thoughts are wonderful! Such a great way to think about how to improve. It is always the perfect time to come closer to God and be prepared for the next step in life. Love this, Anna!

    • Thanks Marla! I agree, we should be drawing closer to and becoming more like Christ every day! I’m glad we have the Proverbs 31 chapter to help set some of the character traits that all of us women should build in our lives with God’s help. 🙂 I hope you have a blessed day!

  12. Thank you so much for your guidance and breakdown of proverbs31. I was scrolling on Pinterest looking for study guides and biblical studies and I kept seeing proverbs woman everywhere so I finally decided to look at it before I went to sleep a hour ago lol it kept me up and motivated. Do you have the breakdown for the rest of the verses. I would like to do a proverbs woman “challenge” in April and try my best to get in the habit of it all to shape myself into a better person and woman!

    • Hey 🙂 no I don’t have a further break down (other than this one) I hope your challenge has been doing well and that God is helping you become a better woman and person with Him. Be blessed!

  13. This is a great post! Thank you for sharing. I’m new to studying the bible and I could use more explanation like this one. It really put the verses into clear wording to help me better understand them.

  14. thank you, Anna, for the beautiful and encouraging post! I just stumbled upon your blog and am so blessed by it!

  15. I love this!! I remember when it occurred to me that the Proverbs 31 woman was not a newlywed but an older, seasoned wife and housekeeper. This proverb is so timeless too, it’s amazing how relevant it still is to modern life. After a Costco haul I sure feel like the merchants that bring goods from afar haha. Lovely post, thank you!

  16. I just found your blog through pinterest. I absolutely love your post, very well done. I’m printing this out to put on my fridge, thank you!😀

  17. Hi Anna,
    I am doing a study of Proverbs with a high school girl, and we are looking at biblical womanhood this week. While I want her to keep the concepts in Proverbs 31 in mind as she matures into womanhood, I also wanted to find a way to make Proverbs 31 applicable to her RIGHT NOW. As I searched, I stumbled upon this blog post and all I can say is WOW and thank you! You have provided so much practical wisdom here.

    I have started following your blog in general as well as I am so impressed by what you share here. God bless you!

    In Christ,

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