“I’m busy…always”

Sometimes I think a full schedule of things to do is one of the enemy’s sneakiest tricks into living an unfulfilled life. Our planners full of meetings to attend, people to meet, and events to participate in may make us feel like we are doing something worthwhile and important but often times those things that […] Read more…

From my heart to yours

I told myself that I would never write you a letter. Certainly not publicly. But then again, I also told myself I’d be married with three kids by now and obviously that’s not working out that well for me. 😉 Of course, I would rather much talk to you over some ice-cream as we watch […] Read more…

A lesson from Lot’s wife

She had a purpose and she had a destiny. To start over fresh with her family in a new land with God. To be a mother and a wife. But she threw it all away with one single glance. One glance behind her into the past. And because of that one glance her plans were […] Read more…

The reflection in the mirror

The ideal woman: 5’5, weighs 100 pounds, wears a size 5, has flawless skin, beautiful long hair, and a hot new outfit every day… oh… and let’s not forget the Brad Pitt look alike that’s always by her side. Who is this girl you might ask? You guessed it! The one and only doll that […] Read more…

Getting past your heartbreak hill

Sometimes I wonder… What would have happened if Mother Theresa gave up helping abandoned little children because she felt powerless to help all the orphans in the world? What would have happened if Paul gave up preaching because he was thrown into prison, beaten, and spoken against more times than he could count? What would […] Read more…

When God says “Not Yet”

You had it all planned out perfectly from when you were a young teen. Where you would live, what you would do, who you would be. The moment you stepped off the podium of your college graduation you were ready to face the real world. To accomplish your dreams. To travel the world. To start […] Read more…

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